One Green Mama

One mom trying some green living and enjoying food and cooking.

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Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Reflection:The final day of the year and decade

It's been an interesting 10 years to say the least full of changes and indecision and new paths. This past year has left us still in a place of uncertainty as we wait to hear on job applications that have been in place for many months. We are expecting a new addition to our family in just a couple short weeks. This year has also taught me to love my sewing machine even though I quite frequently have a hate relationship with it as well.

I am thankful for my husband and child. They give me great pleasure as well as the normal heartaches and aggravation. I'm sure I dish out just as much to them.
I am thankful for the roof over our heads even though the situation itself is less than ideal and quite frequently hard to accept from a lack of independence.
I am thankful for the work my husband has been able to acquire this past year and very thankful that we've had health insurance through his service to country.
I am thankful that I get to be a stay at home parent to my child even though it came with a few prices (the SAHM came as a result of numerous layoffs and childcare being an unaffordable option in today's economy).
I am thankful to have a fairly healthy pregnancy with our second child and am happily awaiting her arrival.
I am thankful for the friends we have who have been so supportive emotionally when we've needed it.
I am thankful for the wonderful support network I've made with some incredible women online who I can go to when I want to learn how to be even more eco-friendly or just budget conscious in general (they're who really got me to try knitting again, albeit slowly, so that I could help cut some of our diapering costs).
And most importantly I am thankful for the health of my family and myself and that we have made it through this past year relatively unscathed.

In the coming year I look forward to:

Job opportunities for my husband that he will enjoy and is looking forward to
Time spent with my husband and two children
Learning some more domestic skills that have fallen by the wayside but are slowly making a comeback (like canning which I look very forward to finally jarring up my own sauce)
Some sort of stability (if it can be called that for anyone) and getting back on our feet
And I look forward to getting the ocassional bit of quality time to myself so that I can continue sewing and maybe even pick up some of my old favorite books for a re-read.

These past few years have lead me on a journey that I never would have imagined for myself. I got married to my wonderful husband almost 6 years ago. We had our first child just a couple short years ago who is growing into a wonderfully imaginative person. My plans for serving my country didn't pan out originally but it's still not off the table in a year or two at which time I will look into my options again as it's still something that plays in the back of my mind.

I still haven't quite figured out the direction I'd like to take for finishing my college education but I'm slowly realizing that I'd still like to be able to do something that helps people. Originally that was going to law school and specializing in family law because I wanted to work with adoptions. It's still an option. My other option that has been coming to mind lately is becoming a chiropractor. I've not been injured but in terms of the daily wear and tear on my body of caring for and nursing a toddler it has been beneficial to be able to go so that I can be physically comfortable again. And even in my pregnancy it is proving to be a beneficial tool and something I am seriously considering as I'd like to see more people have the same comfort factor and option for pain relief.

This decade has taught me even more about loss as both my father and his sister, my aunt, passed away. They were two of my favorite people in the world and their passings came at crucial times in my life when I could have used their guidance and had to go about my life without it. And while I rarely show the emotions from their loss I will admit that I am deeply saddened but I know that they are onto bigger and better things. The loss of my father-in-law also occured barely more than a year into our marriage and that was also difficult to deal with and accept for the entire family. These people were all important to us and to who we've become and their presence will be missed especially as our family expands.

I am slowly learning as well that I can't plan everything much to my chagrin. I still try to and I am learning to try to go more with the flow. You'd think I'd have this down after over three decades, but nope. My wish for everyone in the coming year is to have health, a turnaround for the sadness in their lives, the ability and will to follow their dreams/heart even if they think no one is cheering for them and more happiness overall.

Happy New Year to all! And best wishes for a green and prosperous year ahead!

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