One Green Mama

One mom trying some green living and enjoying food and cooking.

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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Too much time away from the serger!

I finally got to sit down the other night and make a fitted for Baby that had been sitting on my table mocking me for a few weeks.  I haven't gotten much time to do more than a quickie project here or there since Baby arrived.  She's a demanding nurser to which I'm happy to oblige.  But, I started out using the pattern with some modification.  It turned out great for my very first OS (one sized) fitted.  I can't wait to finish the other 10 or so sitting on the table.  They're laughing at me right now.  All those cool prints are laughing at me that I didn't tackle them as soon as I cut.  I give them the evil eye back.  It's a two way street, right?  I just need to add snaps one night this week and it's ready to go.  Ok, so here's the fluff love!