One Green Mama

One mom trying some green living and enjoying food and cooking.

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

I'm going dairy free for awhile

So I had been watching while my poor baby has been really gassy, uncomfortable, mucousy and rashy. I spoke to the pediatrician about it because it seemed to coincide with when I had dairy loaded meals or she got a nightly bottle. The doctor agreed with trying an elimination diet for a month to see if this would help. It's been a week of checking packages of everything I'm eating. I can honestly say that I did not realize how much that milk is in. I eat a lot of cheese and chocolate and bread. These things are pretty much all on the no go list now. I have to really search for dark chocolate that doesn't have milk solids in it. Luckily I found some at Trader Joe's and it's good but still doesn't quite hit the sweet tooth spot. As for bread for sandwiches...forget it! I have to make my own. Luckily I got a bread machine for Christmas. Today will be my first attempt making bread with almond milk. I'll let you know how it goes. So, I'm still mourning the loss of a huge part of my diet. On the positive side sweet baby is already starting to look less rashy and diaper changes are not as rancid and sickening. That is a definite upside. And breastfeeding is so important to me that losing the ability to eat some of my favorite foods is worth it for the baby to feel better. But you can be guaranteed that the day I'm no longer nursing or baby doesn't have any issues I'm having a donut or some peanut butter cups or a big Greek salad with extra feta. Until then I'll just dream of the foods I miss and hope to see continued progress of weight gain and overall health for her and myself. And I'll come up with ways to make the most of the new menu as I try to mangle my way through it.

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