One Green Mama

One mom trying some green living and enjoying food and cooking.

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 3

Ok, so today was the big splurge. I finally met up with a friend whom I haven't seen in a couple years. We went to lunch and it was really nice. She got to meet Daredevil and saw how big Tot has grown. And I have to admit while I still am not a fan of dieting it's getting slightly easier. I saved all of my points for the day for lunch. By time I got to lunch I really was starving and feeling not so great so I won't do that too frequently but where we were going to lunch has so many options that it's hard to limit. So, I feel like I got to pig out today. I didn't have a soda which was a huge surprise to me. I'm also on Day 3 of no soda. Go me! So far, my saving grace is my "bedtime" snack before the kids get settled for bed. I'm having carrots and hummus and sometimes some fruit. I'm finding that little bit of flavor and fat is really helping me not cave after the kids are asleep and reach for Tot's little stockpile of candy he got for Valentine's Day. So, it's nice his Smarties are still all accounted for and he can have them as I ration them out to him. I still need to get better and really hit a solid 5 servings a day of fruits and veggies but for now I'm not doing so bad. Oh, and my energy level was better today than it's been in a while. I didn't feel the need to nap with Daredevil today with her evening nap which is the first time since she was born! Hooray! Alright, time to get the kids off to bed. Tot is still running a fever and a little rammy as a result. I'm thinking we need to have another dyeing project so he can get some messy creativity out. Good night!

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